
October 3, 2024

Have you ever thought about how frequently you should get your AC unit serviced?

You might be tempted to think, “If it’s not broken, why bother?” But honestly, that’s not the best way to go about it.

ac unit

Imagine This: It’s a hot summer day in Arizona, and you’re finding solace in the coolness of your air-conditioned home. With the mercury often rising above 110°F, those AC units are our silent protectors, working hard to keep us comfortable. Just like any good hero, they need some regular care to keep performing at their best.

Hot & Dry Arizona Factor: Arizona’s weather is a wild mix of scorching heat and dry air, putting a lot of pressure on air conditioning systems. No matter if you live in Chandler, Mesa, Queen Creek, or Phoenix, one thing’s for sure: your AC is always working hard to keep things cool inside. That’s why keeping up with AC maintenance is essential, not just a nice-to-have.

Why does AC Unit Maintenance matter?

Regularly maintaining your AC is super important for a few reasons, including:

Efficiency: When you take good care of your AC, it cools your home more effectively and efficiently. This not only helps you save on bills but also reduces your carbon footprint.

Lifespan Extended: A finely tuned car lasts longer, and the same is true for a well-maintained AC unit. To save a significant expense on replacing an AC unit, it makes sense for you to take care of it.

Air Quality: Your AC system gathers dust, pollen, and other debris over time. Regular maintenance helps control these pollutants and keeps the air in your home fresh and clean for you and your family.

Preventative Care: You can identify small problems before they escalate by having regular check-ups. It’s easier and more affordable to tackle a minor issue than to fix a major breakdown.

How frequently should you get your AC unit serviced in Arizona?

The most asked question: So, how frequently should you plan those maintenance check-ups? There’s no universal answer, but here are a few tips to keep in mind:

AC Tune-Ups: Getting your AC serviced annually is a smart move. However, Spring is usually the perfect time to do it, just before the hot summer kicks in. Let E-R Heating & Cooling make sure your AC is all set to handle whatever the weather throws at you.

Bi-Annual Checks: Homeowners go for twice-yearly maintenance to prepare their Arizona homes for the extreme climate. Spring and fall are the preferred seasons for this. During the spring check, homeowners set their AC for the summer heat. The fall service helps identify any issues that may have arisen from heavy summer use.

Usage: If your air conditioner is constantly on, especially in homes with a lot of activity or multiple residents, you might want to consider more frequent maintenance. Just like a car that racks up miles, these systems can face extra wear and tear.

Environmental Factors: In Arizona’s desert weather, the AC is consistently battling dust and pollen. If you notice more dust or suspect your indoor air is not right, consider scheduling a check-up.

DIY Approach

Even though it’s important to have professional HVAC technicians for full maintenance, there are certain tasks that you can handle on your own.

Filter Replacement: To ensure good air quality and maintain the efficiency of your system, it is important to change out the air filters every 1 to 3 months. Air filters play a key role in this process.

Outdoor Care: To enhance airflow and boost the efficiency of your outdoor AC unit, it is recommended that you clear out any debris and plants surrounding it.

Calling in the Pro’s

A professional technician can provide valuable expertise and equipment when you schedule an inspection with them, instead of tackling maintenance tasks yourself.

Check Refrigerant Levels: Your AC system performs optimally with the right refrigerant levels. When the levels are incorrect, either too low or too high, it can significantly impair the system’s cooling ability.

Dirty Coils: When coils get dirty, your AC’s efficiency takes a hit. That’s where the technicians come in—they clean those coils to keep everything running like a dream.

Electrical Connections: Bad electrical connections can cause systems to act up or even create safety risks. That’s why technicians are making sure everything’s running smoothly.

Identify Potential Issues: Small problems can be caught by experienced eyes before they turn into costly repairs.

Warning Signs: When to Act

Maintenance schedules are super important, but make sure you pay attention to any warning signs that your AC might need some help sooner rather than later.

  • Unusual Noise
  • Sudden, Inconsistent Cooling
  • Higher Energy Bills
  • Frequent Breakdowns

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